K Kristie Severn


Feb 1, 2017

With all that’s going on in the news I thought a gratitude blog post was in order. A fun and easy craft to do to start practicing gratitude is making a Gratitude Mason Jar. It’s a quick and easy craft. All you need is a really big Mason Jar and all the ribbon and sparkles you can find! Once you have your Mason Jar all glitzed out your ready to start compiling all the things you are grateful for. Make sure you cut or buy some small squares of paper to write what you’re grateful for. Each day, whatever time works for you write down one thing you are grateful for.

You can make this a 30, 60, or 90 day challenge or make it an annual tradition. Once you’ve reached the end of your time frame make a fun event around it with your family to read all the things you are grateful for. This simple act of writing down all the things you’re grateful for, from the awesome colors of the sunset, the smell of coffee in the morning, to being healthy you are reminded that there are more good things then bad things in the world. What it comes down to is what you are focusing on.

Reminding ourselves of all the things we have to be grateful for will help us to see the positive in the world. This feeling of positivity will help foster joy in us, and if we can show up to everything with joy in heart we will be able to tackle anything that comes our way. We do not want to be weighed down by negativity and anger because that will not get us anywhere. We would love to see all of your Mason Jar Gratitude Jars! Head over to our Instagram and share the pictures of your Gratitude Jars and let us know some things you are grateful for.

We here at Mason Jar Lifestyle are grateful for all of you and being all moved in to our new building!! We look forward to continue to grow with all of you in 2017. XOXO, from Mason Jar Lifestyle

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