Welcome to the MJL team, Michelle Kettleborough! Michelle is a life-loving, Denver-based writer and mother-of-two. She has just recently embarked on the Mason jar lifestyle. Keep up with her chronicles here.
Hello MJL fans and followers! Congratulations on making it half-way through July and through half (if not
more!) of your kids’ summer vacations! With the Independence Day festivities behind us, but several
hot, humid weeks ahead, we thought we’d shift gears to share something “cool” about the month of
July is Plastic-Free month! We know many of you are doing what you can to reduce your plastic
consumption and waste. Some of you, however, may be a little dubious about plastic-free anything
being possible. The material is EVERYWHERE – food containers, utensils, bags, toys, the list is seemingly
infinite. So, let’s talk about one small step you can make that has a significant impact – ditching plastic
Think about the number of plastic straws you use in a day, a week, or a month. Doing a quick mental
tally of my own personal use, I’d say that I, conservatively, use upwards of 20 per week. And don’t even
get me started on how many my kids use! Each one of these straws will take up to 200 years to
decompose. Two. Hundred. Years. Somehow, this is making the cold, tasty beverages of summer seem a
little less refreshing. But what is a person to do? Straws are everywhere!!!
Enter the Mason Jar Lifestyle line of re-usable straws. We’ve got stainless steel straws, glass straws, and
biodegradable paper straws! The use of each one of these items not only keeps one more straw from
entering a 200+ year journey into our landfills and waterways, but it makes you a participant in PlasticFree
July, and can make you feel better about you daily beverage habits. No one needs their cold press
latte with a side of environmental guilt!
Our stainless steel and glass straws come in several different sizes, are completely reusable, and have
their own cleaning brushes included. They are lightweight, rust-proof, BPA free, and, clearly, contain no
plastic. Our paper straws are completely biodegradable and provide a great alternative when you need
a lot of straws (picnics, playdates, parties…). Not only are these straws a responsible choice, but they are
a convenient one. Keep your straws in your utensil drawer along with your other daily-use items. Keep
some in your purse or backpack. Keep some in the car. They take up very little space, weigh next to
nothing, and are the perfect alternative to plastic. Once you make the switch, we’re sure you’ll be
convinced that re-usable straws are the way to go. And, they’re a great gateway to othersustainable/reusable products! You’ve been warned…😊
If you’ve got any tips or tricks, or want to share your success with non-plastic straws, let us know on the
Mason Jar Lifestyle Facebook page or on Instagram! We wish you all a happy, healthy, and plastic-free