K Kristie Severn

Go Plastic Free

Jun 29, 2017

Is going “Plastic Free” on your family’s list to help the environment? Does it seem like a huge task? Well, I’m here to tell you that it is not! A big step is to stop using plastic straws. It’s as easy as that! According to an article in the Washington Post, half a billion plastic drinking straws are used in America everyday.

If you carried your own reusable straws or only ate at restaurants that choose to use reusable straws, then you would be helping to decrease the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills and in the ocean. Wondering where you can get reusable straws and how you can carry them around? Mason Jar Lifestyle has the solution!

We carry an array of reusable straws along with straw sleeves. These are easy to throw in your purse or stick in your pocket. Keep a set in your car, and you will be covered on the go. We’ve got everything–stainless steel, glass, silicone. These are a great way to work towards your goal of going plastic free! If you need a large number of straws for a party and don’t have enough reusable straws for everyone, consider using biodegradable paper ones rather than plastic. The oceans will thank you!

To further your plastic free goal and expand it to styrofoam free, head over to the Surfrider’s website and check out their “Ocean Friendly Restaurant” movement. On this site, you will be able to find restaurants that limit or do not use plastic or styrofoam, along with some other environmentally-friendly criteria. It’s a great resource to help with your goal.

Remember: Every little bit adds up and helps. With more and more people and restaurants having this same goal, we can all make a big impact! Here are a few other resources, courtesy of Surfrider Foundation.




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