R Ryan Helseth

The Best Mason Jar Peach Jam

Sep 4, 2015

This post could also be titled “Best Laid Plans.”

I was lucky enough to recently be invited to a canning class, which took place at the non-profit where I used to work. We made the most incredible peach jam I have ever tasted.

I had planned to take a series of photos of the class to share with you all on the blog. That didn’t exactly happen. Best laid plans. Sometimes you have to decide whether you want to have fun and live in the moment or if you want to stand in the background and document everything. I chose the former, and I can’t say I regret it – I had so much fun! Here are a couple of the pictures I managed to snap, as well as the recipe for the best-peach-jam-I-have-ever-tasted. Enjoy!

Peach Jam recipe:
4 cups finely chopped peaches (peeled)
juice and zest of 1 lemon
1 package pectin
5.5 cups of sugar

Bring fruit, lemon, and pectin to a boil, stir in sugar all at once. Bring back to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Pour mixture into prepared mason jars, seal and process in a water bath canner to preserve.

My son and his new friend, Mary:

photo 2

Some of the crew (and the teacher) working hard:

photo 4

Some of us thought knitting was a little more fun than making jam:

photo 1

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